Monday, April 30, 2012

Thoughts for the Work Week Ahead

Hot.  Cold.  Hot.  Cold.  Hot.  Cold.  Why, what else could it be but Spring!?  Certainly the craziest of seasons.  Mercurial Mother Nature just can’t seem to make up her mind.  From March thru May, each day is a surprise to be treasured.  The poets perfectly summed it up:

A Little Madness in the Spring
Emily Dickinson

A little madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King,
But God be with the Clown —
Who ponders this tremendous scene —
This whole Experiment of Green —
As if it were his own!

Like Spring, may your work week be filled with unexpected blessings.  Enjoy the "present"--God's gift to you.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Enjoy Your Sunday!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Warmest Wishes for a Wonderful Weekend!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hepatica nobilis

The first wildflowers of spring around the Bon Bon Pond woods are invariably the delicate and oh so lovely Hepatica nobilis.  This dainty blossom is a small herb which grows from Minnesota to Maine, and all the way down to northern Florida.  The flowers appear in hues of white, pink and the lovely light lavender that grow in the rich earth of my forest’s  floor.   A harbinger of seasonal change,  they usher in spring in all her glory and are something to celebrate.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mystery Bird???

Yesterday,  my friend Choo, from out sister site Love Canada Geese, ran across eye-catching photos of an unknown bird building the most complex and unusual nest.  We marveled at the ingenuity, determination and work ethic involved!  What a wonderful example of goal setting and steadfast follow through they set for all of us.   As the Chinese philosopher Laozi once said “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” or, in this case, a mere mouthful of mud.  Amazing! 

I spent the better part of the morning conducting countless searches to identify this industrious little avian and came up dry each time.  Thanks to our friend, Washington County’s  conservation authority, Angie Hong, for lending a hand in the ID process.  In the end, the Gold Star goes to birding expert and artist extraordinaire Mary Beth Stowe.  The bird’s name and story are revealed after the video—which includes pictures of nest construction from start to finish.

Mary Beth tells us the bird is the Rufous Hornero (Argentina's national bird). “They build these incredible ‘ovens,’"she explained, “and used to be called ‘Ovenbirds’ (no relation to OUR Ovenbird, which is a warbler). Horneros are members of a strictly tropical American family called Furnarids.”

Thank you so much, Mary Beth, for sharing your knowledge with us and helping acknowledge this stellar member of the avian kingdom.  Please visit Mary Beth’s wonderful website to learn more about  birds, view her great artwork, listen to her beautiful original music compositions based on bird songs/calls and much much more!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Waterfowl Nesting

Gander William and cob Prince Charming are spending most of their days solo while mates Leona and Snow White, respectively, are nest-bound. 

The waterfowl, as well as their admirers, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of this year’s offspring.  Let the countdown begin . . . 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Have a Wonderful Week!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Canada Geese Maltreatment

Our sister site has asked us to help get the word out about a most disturbing situation in Idaho.  In an effort to discourage Canada Geese from nesting, the University of Idaho Coeur d'Alene campus has employed cruel and sadistic measures.  To learn more about the situation and to lend your voice to the chorus of animal lovers who demand this state run institution stop the inhumane treatment of innocent animals, please visit the  Love Canada Geese website.

Bon Bon Pond Smorgasboard

Beauty of the Dogwood


Enjoy Your Sunday!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weekend Wishes!

Get out and enjoy the great outdoors--
and don't forget wood tick prevention 
for you, your family and your dog!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Display of the Dogwood

The incomparable beauty of a flowering dogwood is perhaps Mother Nature's most perfect creation.  The delicate, yet dramatic, pink blossoms are simply awe-inspring.  If only they could last all summer! Alas, the days of a dogwood petal are short yet oh so sweet!  Seize and savor each springtime display before they are gone with the wind.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rain Prayers

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Ugly Face of Drought

Looks like my recent rain dances have been paying off . . . at least partly.  The last few days have brought blessed rain with more predicted for the morrow.  Fingers and toes crossed for wet weather all thru April--and May--as our beautiful area wetlands have suffered such devastation.  The sad photo below is from neighboring Stillwater Township.    The edge of the green grass in the picture illustrates former lake levels.   

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Flowering Begins!

Blooming fruit trees are the prettiest part of spring.  Recent rains and unseasonably warm weather have triggered an early season.   

Soon the countryside will be awash in splendiferous pink and white blossoms.  Per usual, the Pine Point Park orchard is the first to open.  Fingers and toes crossed high winds of the past few days don’t destroy the tender and fragile flowers!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Best Wishes for a Wonderful Weekend!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekend Best Wishes

Happy Friday the 13th!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Turkey Updates

Turkeys, turkeys and more turkeys!  The other day’s original story focused on one flock of six.  Since then, an additional flock has stopped in to visit.  This second, even larger group, consists of three toms and five hens.  Since your average adult wild turkey consumes up to 200 wood ticks each day I couldn’t be happier.  Come one!  Come all! 

Last year, Bon Bon Pond hosted three hens, two of which had chicks.  We’re pleased to report all eleven jakes and jennys survived and were accounted for in early winter.  We’re looking forward to another successful breeding season.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Turkeys on Parade!

When you live around Bon Bon Pond, it’s not necessary to go out for entertainment.  The last few days have provided some of the best wildlife watching.  In the world of wild turkeys, courtship season has begun.  Two toms have been busy out-preening each other for the favors of four fickle females.  It’s downright hilarious to observe the hens reaction to this puckish puffery: indifference—at best.  Yawn.   Crickets.   

Also not impressed was William, the resident Canada Goose.  When he got a "gander" at the size of the turkeys eating HIS corn he retreated to the water.  After the flock had fled, William returned in a "fowl" mood to establish his supremacy,  nipping/chasing the poor unsuspecting ducks.

Not to worry, my good-looking gobblers, you captured MY heart!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blowin' in the Wind!

Photobucket No Pooh sightings to report--yet, but everyone’s favorite anthropomorphic bear would have been “blown away” by the frosty gale force winds tearing thru south central Minnesota over the past few days. Long dead earthbound leaves were once again in motion, swishing and swirling and sweeping across the skies . . . as well as everywhere I’ve already raked. 

Maybe we didn’t miss March after all and spring is on “delay.” Here around shady Bon Bon Pond, the thermometer struggled to reach 38 this afternoon and there's a freeze warning out for tonight!  Yikes!  It's too cold for yard work or wildlife watching!  Guess it's time to channel my inner ten-year old and “go fly a kite!”