I had the most incredible and
life-changing experience occur the other day.
But first, let’s go back to the beginning . . .
For the past week, I had been
so sad over the apparent loss of my three goslings. Primarily, my concern was for the safety of
my wildlife, but on a secondary, subconscious level, it represented a “loss of
control” in the most important part of my life:
my home. "Good grief," I’ve been
thinking, "while things like a struggling economy, bleak job market and
overbearing friends are beyond my scope of influence, I should at least be able
to keep order in my immediate environment."
In a nutshell: further feelings of impotence.
When I observed the missing
goslings on May 4th, I automatically assumed the worst*. There seemed no other explanation than a dire
one. This “worst case scenario” thinking
is representative of my mindset as of late. Without fully realizing it, I had
become a “negative Nellie.”

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever
however improbable, must be the truth.”
The answer was obvious: in spite of William’s ferocious territorial
tendencies, at some point, another pair of nesting geese had set up housekeeping
on the pond! I had no sooner expanded my horizons when a visit to the porch
confirmed my suspicions. There, on the
bank, were TWO pair of geese: one with
FOUR goslings; the other with SEVEN.
What a wonderful, happy
surprise! The best possible outcome to
the missing goslings conundrum!
I still have no idea how this
could have happened. So many questions
remain: When did the second set
arrive? Why did the two sets never
appear together? etc. etc. I will never know the answers, but I do know
my beloved Canada Geese taught me a valuable lesson in self-awareness—and at
the most opportune time of my life. God
works in strange and wonderful ways! As my friend Dr.
Schur often reminds me, a wise fairy once said:
“Faith, trust and pixie dust!”
*My own mistake added to the
confusion. It’s obvious I was mistaken
when I earlier reported having counted five goslings.
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